DOOM II Return to Hell Ver. 1.0 An add-on module for ID software's Doom II by JADE Enterprises All of Earth was saved by your daring. The demons were thrust back, forced into retreating. Or were they... Reports of beasts continued to come in after the New Earth Order started cleaning up the dead bodies that lay scattered about. "Stragglers," you think to yourself. "Must just be that point one percent you missed." But the new commando force you have put together will make sure it is safe for citizens to lead productive lives. Base Alpha-1 has been given to you for command. Being a remote post in the desert, just outside Cocamo "Cocaine" City, you figure crack heads and dope attics will be the worst you'll contend with, until local officials report that many of the citizens are being brutally killed. Is it a drug war or is the Earth about to plummet back into hell. January 12th Let this stand as my record of the events leading to what I believe to be the end of the Earth. Not only as we know it, but the end. I still see the faces of my comrades that I gunned down. They were all possessed, I know, but I still can't help but feel a little responsible. I know this feeling is unjustified but the dreams make the feelings so strong. I have assembled a crack force of the best mankind has to offer here at the Alpha-1 Defense Base in the center of the desert. It is hot as hell and just getting hotter. We hope the weather will break soon but we don't know what is in store as most of the weather services are still out. January 14th There was an attack on one of my men last night. We found the outside guard torn to shreds. I know it was one of the creatures. Looters and the scum wandering this desert couldn't have committed this. I saw a caracas blown up, gutted and left hanging over a rock. I have seen this before. I no longer feel we are dealing with stragglers here. They are out there regrouping and I am going to commit these men to stop this thing before it begins...or die trying. January 19th Our forces found evidence of a transporter being used to get into the desert. Radiation readings indicate the last usage was two days ago. Probably the night that hooker disappeared. I expect they have killed her but there has been no body. January 24th I fear for my sanity. The dreams are much worst. January 30th It is happening. These beasts have won and it is just a question of time. Two command centers have been totally destroyed with no one left to tell the tale. Two transport sites were found in the area. The bastards are cutting the power before they attack and with all the chaos there has been no fuel delivered for the emergency generators at any of the bases this one included. Where will they strike next? I wish I could find them before this dark fate I see in my head unfolds. January 31st 2 a.m. I expect that this will be the last entry made in this book. I am currently barricaded in my room. While in the middle of a dream I was jolted awake. The air coming into my room carried with it the smell of burning flesh. I stepped outside and saw where the center courtyard had turned to molten rock and from it a tunnel had emerged. I know where they are now but will I find them before it is too late. I am sending a message on the transmitter that the Earth is once again under siege and evacuation is the only hope. Now I head into the unknown. Down into bowels of the Earth and I am now sure that I will prove that Hell really is down there.